The Boys
So much has happened over the last few months it's hard to keep up. The latest thing that we have had to tackle is Eli having a potty protest. It started last Monday. He stopped telling up when he had to go to the bathroom. I mean complete acknowledgment of ALL movements. So I thought that it must be because Silas is wearing diapers or cause he is getting his 2 year molars...whatever. But just in the last few days things have been going back to normal. I was freaking out a bit. I think I changed more poopy diapers in last 8 days then I have changed his entire life. And that no exaggeration. Overall he is doing well though. Very busy with all his new trucks and cars that he got from the Kboys ( He has to take 6 or 7 with him every time he leaves the house. They are dropping all over the driveway, their all over the car. I think I might have to put some away for awhile to keep the balance.
Silas is still determined to crawl...even though he can't...he thinks he can if he just try's hard enough. He is rolling over, talking and laughing. He is a very funny kid. I can tell that he will be the one that will always have to keep the peace and try to make you laugh. He's taking 2-3 really long naps a day, one in the morning, one during Eli's nap and then a cat nap in the afternoon. The morning nap is great because we go to the pool around 10 am till 1pm almost every day and he sleeps over half the time we are there. This gives me time to spend with Eli and play in the water.
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