
by - 9:50 PM

So baby Zeke is 3 weeks today and he's really a sweet boy.  The boys love to run up and say hi to him, Eli loves to kiss his head and says "Hi sneaky, I love you".  Silas loves to say "He's still so cute!" and then slip his finger in his little hand.  Moses wants to hold him and then he just giggles. I hold him and look at him in complete awe and bliss.  But here's a bit of our day...I'm trying to figure out what to do with myself.  I get up and put baby in the sling.  Jeff try's to turn the dishes and make the kids breakfast before he leaves.  I wonder if I should take a shower now or wait till later.  If he's asleep I'll try to get hop in while Jeff stays with him.  But if I'm tired then I'll just stay in bed till the boys are fed.  I'll sit with the boys and watch cartoons and eat oatmeal and hold Zeke.
The boys get dressed and I so do I.  This morning we went upstairs played.  I went down to make a snack for the kids and then they ended up outside.  Snack, lunch...then I realized it was time to take Eli to school (12:15).  4 boys out the door and into the car. Takes about 30 minutes...Silas and Mo are spitting at Eli as he tries to buckle them in.  AHHHHH!!!!  I run out and take care of that...put The Sneak in the bucket and take him out.  But wait!!!  I stop and pick up Brooks and she comes and makes my trip a billion times easier.  She runs Eli into school, she runs into Fred Meyers while I nurse in the van and then we hop over to Bethany's to grab the Ergo I was letting her use.  Back at home we do some 2nd lunch and she folds my laundry and THEN puts it all away.  We're back in car at 2:58 to take Brooks home and pick up Eli at school.  Sigh....that was today.  At some point I got a killer head ache and sat on the couch till Jeff got home.  The boys played out side and whacked each other with pipe light sabers on the trampoline.  I did manage to cook some fish for fish taco's, which Jeff finished when he got home.

All that to say I'm really excited to home school this fall...because the feeling of being forced to put 4 kids in the car in the heart of my day and then do it again a few hrs later is not really working.  And I have other reasons, but the two most obvious reasons that I've come to are #1 Eli is small and I am not ready for him to be in another world for 6 hrs.  There might be a time for that, but it's not now.  And #2 We'll be moving in the winter and I don't want to have to pull him out of school in the middle of the year.  But reason #1 is really the real one.  Number #2 just sounds wise and sensible.

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  1. Christi Faagau12:08 PM

    Kim, you should look into "Lifestyle of Learning." It would totally fit into your lifestyle!

  2. "I wonder if I should take a shower now or wait till later."

    LOL! I remember that feeling...still struggle with it since daddy/hubby is deployed and have a little firecracker toddler running around joyfully. ;0)

    Love the pictures- you both look gorgeous. Cliche- those first months go so quick, so enjoy it. :o)


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